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Current Research Projects

Ag Grow Agronomy & Research is working with its collaborators on a number of projects this year. For a summary of these projects click on the link below.

Ag Grow Agronomy Research Program 2024

Detail on each of these projects follow.

RiskWi$e Project – Theme 2 Managing Phosphorus in the Farming System (Enterprise Agronomic Decisions)

The Participatory Action Research (PAR) process identified phosphorus (P) management as a priority amongst the grower and advisor community. With nitrogen work underway, P is the next largest, unavoidable expense for growers. In the target area (wider Griffith region) many of the soils have Colwell P values >40 mg P/kg soil.

Identifying the legacy effects on canola and/or wheat following pulse crops

This 3 year project aims to help determine the legacy benefits of a pulse crop to the following crop in the rotation and in particular which pulse species leaves the best legacy in terms of nitrogen benefit, disease pressure, water use efficiency as well as crop sequence gross margins.

GRDC National Risk Management Initiative (RiskWi$e) NSW – Action Research Group (ARG) Nitrogen Management Systems Trial – Zone 3

As part of the NSW ARG, and as part of the Nitrogen Theme, Ag Grow Agronomy set up a nitrogen (N) systems trial in 2023 to test the performance of different nitrogen management strategies over a four-year period.

Canola Establishment Project

The objective of our trial is therefore to compare the effect of alternative press wheels and sowing depths on canola establishment. This trial is in its 2nd year.

Strategies for Wheat Powdery Mildew Control in Southern New South Wales

This project aims to expand the validation and extension of WPM management strategies to areas in the Northern region impacted by WPM.

Lime response on acid, low rainfall, sandy soils of southwestern NSW

There was a need to validate the issue of acid soils that are anecdotally unresponsive to lime in western NSW so that crop yield gaps can be reduced.

Pulse Agronomy Trials

The project aims to get a better understanding of the adaptability of pulse species to the local environments and how to improve production and close the yield gap of the best adapted pulses. The project is now in its 4th year.

CSIRO Long Coleoptile Sowing Depth x Genotype; N placement x Rate x Sowing Depth and Seed Size x Sowing Depth Trial

Newer varieties being developed, with long coleoptiles, have the potential to overcome the limitations of sowing depth that current varieties with short coleoptiles have (limit approximately 4cm).

Pacific Seeds Hyola® TD Innovation Systems Technology Trial

This information will be used to make selection decisions on varieties that offer growers advantages over currently grown varieties and variety progression through the breeding program and commercial release.

LongReach Plant Breeders Dryland & Irrigated Wheat Trials

These trials compare the performance of wheat lines for yield, grain quality, agronomic attributes and disease reaction for all major production environments in Australia.

Canola Variety Evaluation Trial

These trials aim to compare the performance of potential canola varieties with existing canola varieties commonly grown on dryland in Southern NSW.

Hart Bros Seeds Wheat & Barley Variety Trials

These trials compare the performance of potential wheat and barley varieties with existing varieties commonly grown in SNSW under local irrigated and dryland conditions.

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Past Projects

Ag Grow Agronomy and Research has been involved in a number of collaborative projects. Click below to view the reports for these projects.

Ag Grow Agronomy and Research  (for members only)

Client Benchmarking Reports
Client Soil Testing Reports