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Latest Research Projects

Ag Grow Agronomy & Research is currently undertaking projects in variety evaluation, crop nutrition, stubble management and herbicide evaluation.

RiskWi$e Project – Theme 2 Managing Phosphorus in the Farming System (Enterprise Agronomic Decisions)

The Participatory Action Research (PAR) process identified phosphorus (P) management as a priority amongst the grower and advisor community. With nitrogen work underway, P is the next largest, unavoidable expense for growers. In the target area (wider Griffith region) many of the soils have Colwell P values >40 mg P/kg soil.

Identifying the legacy effects on canola and/or wheat following pulse crops

This 3 year project aims to help determine the legacy benefits of a pulse crop to the following crop in the rotation and in particular which pulse species leaves the best legacy in terms of nitrogen benefit, disease pressure, water use efficiency as well as crop sequence gross margins.

GRDC National Risk Management Initiative (RiskWi$e) NSW – Action Research Group (ARG) Nitrogen Management Systems Trial – Zone 3

As part of the NSW ARG, and as part of the Nitrogen Theme, Ag Grow Agronomy set up a nitrogen (N) systems trial in 2023 to test the performance of different nitrogen management strategies over a four-year period.

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