Lime response on acid, low rainfall, sandy soils of southwestern NSW
Collaborating with Jason Condon (CSU), funded by CSU, Ag Grow Agronomy and GRDC
Discussions in Grower Network forums in the GRDC sub-region of Southwest NSW and particularly in the Griffith, Hillston and Lake Cargelligo regions highlighted the need to understand reports of poor lime responses on acid sandy soils that typically have low organic matter. There was a need to validate the issue of acid soils that are anecdotally unresponsive to lime in western NSW so that crop yield gaps can be reduced.
The project was conducted in in 2022 and 2023 and aimed to:
- measure the efficacy of applied lime on grain yield and profitability
- measure any differences between incorporation methods
- measure any differences between incorporation depths
- measure any impact on phosphorous uptake efficiency
In 2024 Ag Grow Agronomy is continuing with this trial with wheat being sown at the site.